Acupuncture has been used for centuries combined with infertility. This procedure requires ultra-thin sterile needles to be placed into specific acupuncture points on the body to help with infertility. Acupuncture can assist in many different ways one being increasing blood flow to the endometrium , helping to facilitate a thick rich lining of the uterus which is needed for a good implantation.
Fertility massages uses deep therapeutic touch with soothing abdominal massage. Your massage is usually customized according to your menstrual period. Their will be deeper abdominal work right around your follicular phase (before ovulation) and focusing on relaxation during your luteal phase (after ovulation). Your massage should be cleansing and detoxifying leaving you with a deep sense of mental state.
Yoga is one of the best ways to reduce stress. It helps regulate the sympathetic nervous system. The main goal for yoga fertility is to create great health throughout the body especially in the pelvic and uterus area which then radiates towards a more conducive environment for conception. Fertility yoga classes offer emotional support for a woman experiencing infertility challenges.
There are plenty of foods that you can incorporate in your diet to help with infertility. These foods help with your ovulatory function. Diary is rich with calcium and eating foods with calcium in it helps with your ovulation. Foods like leafy greens, milk, yogurt, cheese, tofu, salmon and almonds can help regulate ovulation and give you the extra push you need. Studies show that there is a link between iron and proteins so eating lean turkey, chicken and beef helps with infertility as well. Complex carbs like whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits help substitute refined carbs which keeps your insulin levels down resulting in your reproductive hormones being in great condition for fertility. Berries are packed with antioxidants which helps prevent damage and aging to your body cells. Fatty fish like salmon and sardines as well as oysters aid in Omega 3 fatty acids and zinc which are both crucial for conception.
The role of chiropractic is to remove any misalignments or interferences of the nervous system. This is done by providing adjustments to the spine, releasing tension in muscles or ligaments and providing a means to allow the nervous system to function. In the means of doing this it creates and provides an environment conducive for self-healing and potential LIFE creation.
Their are many supplements out that helps aid in fertility and conceiving. These supplements are natural and designed to help enhance the reproductive health in both men and women. Some of these supplements are: